
October 26, 2022


July 12, 2024

  • The inventory offers a number of tools to interact with the data (Figure 1). The simplest is the global Search box. This allows for searching across all columns of the table. To the left, there is a more highly controlled Search Builder. Below this, Search Results are reported and there are buttons for Data Download and use in other applications.
Figure 1: General layout of search tools.
  • To set a filter in the Search Builder, click on the Add Condition button (Figure 2). This brings up the condition statement builder which is composed of three key parts: Data, Condition, and Value.
Figure 2: The Add Condition button.
  • The Data button determines which field one will use for filtering (Figure 3). Use the drop down list from this button to select the desired field for filtering.
Figure 3: Data button showing inventory field names.
  • The Condition button determines the nature of the search operator (Figure 4). There are many options, and each functions differently. The Exact argument gives narrow searches while arguments like Contains or Starts With offer more inclusive searches. Users are encouraged to experiment with different search arguments to see which best fits their needs.
Figure 4: Condition button showing different kinds of operators.
  • If Condition is set to Equals then the Value field lists all possible entries in the selected Data column (Figure 5). Thus, Equals sets conditions for exact matches to particular field values. This can be useful for searching the collection, or object fields.
Figure 5: Illustrating values returned when Condition is set to Equals.
  • If Condition is set to Contains then the Value field is set to blank and it will return records from the target Data field that match the string a user enters into the Value field (Figure 6). This can be useful for casting the net wide. For example, if Data is set to the field culture and Condition is set to Contains and a user enters the word Pueblo into Value field the search builder will return records that include words like “Ancestral Pueblo”, “Acoma Pueblo”, “Jimez Pueblo”, etc.
Figure 6: Illustrating when Condition is set to Contains and search strings are applied to Value
  • It is possible to string multiple query statements together by adding additional conditions (Figure 7). Additional conditions can be set to use either And or Or logic. The type of logical operator can be toggled from And to Or by clicking on the button.
Figure 7: Illustrating how to alter logical operators for multi condition searchs.
  • Click an associated X to clear a search condition.